monitor disk space df -h monitor inodes df -i disk usage du -hsc * sudo apt install ncdu watch disk space by directory ncdu memory ps aux --sort=-pcpu | head -11 free -m uptime htop
Story behind the photo – 151 - Swami tells about the shape of the Earth Swami’s sessions with students, whether in Brindavanam, Kodaikanal, or Sundaram, were rejoiced by all participants. The students, and some chosen devotees felt blessed to attend such session. For few years, I too was blessed to attend these students’ sessions. A topic would be evolved from the questions of some students and at times, Swami Himself ask a question. One day Swami looked at all students lovingly and raised a question. “What is the shape of the Earth”. Prompt answers came up from various parts of the gathering. Everyone agreed that Earth is circular. One or two told “Spherical”. But Swami’s reply was a firm “NO”. Swami continued, “The line of the surface of earth may look spherical. But there are bulges like mountains and depths like oceans. So you cannot call it circular. But the man is now tampering with the very creation. They dig up the earth for materials for construction. And they create new...
How to get started with Vue in under a minute? 0. Open notepad 1.Import Vue <script src=''></script> 2.Create a html div to capture the output from Vue <div id='app'>{{ output }}</div> 3.Create a Vue instance inside script tags and set the data to be returned to the div <script> const vue = Vue.createApp({ data(){return{output: 'hello world from vue'}} }) </script> 4.Mount the instance vue.mount('#app') 5. Save the file as index.html and open in browser. That's it. <script src=''></script> <div id='app'>{{ output }}</div> <script> const vue = Vue.createApp({ data(){return{output: 'hello world from vue'}} }) vue.mount('#app') </script>