// name = "cj" or other text based on card suit and rank Field f = R.drawable.class.getDeclaredField(name); int id = f.getInt(nul); cardImage.setImageResource(id); from http://blog.bumblemachine.com/archives/15
Bhagavad Gita (a holy book for Hindu religion) http://www.getjar.com/products/3145/GITA Greps the J2me related properties of a device and publishes them online http://www.getjar.com/products/1912/J2MEAnalyser Guidelines for a happy marital life http://www.getjar.com/products/12475/KamaSutra On going Mobile Projects www.moblify.com (Under Construction) ISBNDB (Mobile version of the site isbndb.com-Under Construction) Apty (an math based aptitude enhancement software for children- Under Construction)
Phase 1 Album View a list of images Show Description Store a image as wallpaper Make an album as a screen saver. Blend the image. Touch scrolling feature. Mark photo Album Creator Create a collectible set of photos to generate a offline album.(same as Moblify) Place an online-offline ad using an adaptor based mechanism. Publish your album for others to download. Album Site Browse Albums Search Albums Download Album Phase 2 Order photos for print(Integrate with Print Providers) Pay using mobile(Google Checkout) Place advertisements into the Generator(Adsense) Tell a friend(SMS API+ GMail Contacts list)
Verizon Wireless opens up network to outside devices Check it out... http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/11/27/Verizon-Wireless-opens-up-network_1.html Powered by ScribeFire .
Verizon Wireless opens up network to outside devices Check it out... http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/11/27/Verizon-Wireless-opens-up-network_1.html Powered by ScribeFire .
Integration Checkout Adsense Contacts List SMS api Printing and Delivery service. Mobile Online Down Mode Search for albums Download albums Offline Mode Give provision to store a image as wallpaper Make an album as a screen saver. View photos Provide morphing features. Slide show type album with effects like scrollable on touch feature. Mobile Online Up Mode Integrate with google checkout to order prints.Integrate with a site for printing and delivering photos. Refer to friends. Order prints Mark photos Web Online Mode-Generator Create a collectible set of photos to generate a offline album viewer. Place an online-offline ad using an adaptor based mechanism. Publish your album for others to download.
First google will settle down on a base stack of software that they will provide for Android. Then the device manufacturers will embed that stack in their devices. Then they will sell the phones. Then users will buy them and start using them. So there is a perceptible gap of 2 years before which the first android custom application built by you would reach the end-user. Still time is there... Is there a concept like OTA installation for the android packages?
if you get a good amount of traffic to your site, then selling ad space on your site is more profitable than using an advertising company like admob or google adsense. So u need to think about 1. Ways to increase the mobile traffic to your site. 2. Ways to compile the increased traffic to your site and present it as a case for advertisers.
Allow user to specify a date. Calculate the duration from current date till that date. Give more options for display. Allow users to store multiple dates.
Enter a keyword when generating the album. On clicking generate, generate a album page also. Home Page Enter the album number Search Go to India() All Countries Random App list page Show apps Next Random On selection of an app, show the Image and Description and download button. On clicking download, update download count. Have a back link selected by default
A new keyword added by google. Will it make a change to the mobile web? How will it be embraced by the industry? If there are 3 billion phones already out there already in customer's hands, does google provide a way to upgrade them? or provide an exchange offer? What is the benefit to the operator? Lot of questions..time will tell...lets wait another week for the SDK. Hope it should already be there somewhere..but google search is not returning it... http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2007/11/wheres-my-gphone.html http://communities-dominate.blogs.com/brands/2007/01/putting_27_bill.html xohm + sprint + android is something to watch out for. http://www.engadget.com/2005/08/17/google-buys-cellphone-software-company/
Create application field in usage_system Create workflow for inserting it into DB. Check platformRequest Check for :-) inside menu Check the URL for ads. Create,Download to mobile and check. Copy the classes to album and create sample album Create only the best resolution scaleddown image.Remove the flow that gives user to select the imagesize.. Repair Demo functionality Remove logic to go to paypal Add logic to publish the application. Add approval functionality to published apps. Create a mobile portal for downloading apps.
Allow users to club a set of photos and prepare a mobile album Publish the album and retain it if gives sufficient amount of traffic. Create options to tell a friend. Create a mobile album and get started in a matter of 10 minutes. Select the photos you need Writing programs for mobile phones is easy but supporting them for all the mobile devices is very tough.
1. DB Page for remote access 2. Change the index.html and header.jsp 3. Find the number of users by country who access the site. 4. For US customers create a registration page.
hello everyone, i am Radhika...life partner of the man who created this blog..;et me give u some information about this site.. this website belongs to Avinash.. he created this blog without my knowledge do u know how did i come to know about tis site..i was bored..so i wrote 'namoham' in google and i got this website..i was more surprised when i saw it belonged to avinash..its funny.. As u can see his blogs, all of them describe whatever runs in his head..good or bad.interesting or boring.. sorry avinash..i knew the password also.. bye
Capture the headers and put them in a DB. Check for remote DB connectivity. add ads to ISBNDB and to J2ME Analyser. Get flickr top 100 working and add ads to it. add ads to Apty
Idea 1 .mobi world Lot of interesting things happen in the mobile world everyday. Using this application, it is easy to keep upto pace with the latest. Each time you open up this application, you will be displayed the most interesting mobile happennings. They keep on scrolling until you find something interesting to click. Navigate through them to discover the wonderful world of mobile web. You can also rate a link., thus making the entire experience more fruitful and social. Splash Rate Go Visited Links Settings Show Links Random Alphabetically Top Rated Latest Unseen Idea 2 Google ad here Browse any site using these transcoders.
Hot NEWS Google announced Adsense for mobile yesterday. http://www.google.com/intl/en/press/annc/20070917_mobileads.html This is a boon for the Dot Mobi sites the benefit of which can be reaped now. Here is a link to their blog http://adsense.blogspot.com/2007/09/here-comes-mobile.html
well this adobe update manager sits in my tray and checks if there are any updates available..i think of acrobat reader ..taking memory and delaying the startup...all i want i just to view pdf docs and have a button on the software to allow me to check for updates ..instead of it assuming things...hate this attitude..offlate..even google desktop..picasa..yahoo messenger take this approach... i tried to install adobe flex builder on ubuntu..thought it was possible using wine but ...no...
there is a shift in the architecture of new applications that are coming up now.(june 2007)..instead of using the resources (CPU, Storage,Memory) of the server..use them of the client itself..and only depend on the server for the most useful tasks..which actually require the server... try google gears, flex, silverlight, xul, ...all of them enable that sort of applications to be developed. the client is becoming thicker again. With all this, the need to provide synchronization of profiles/ export-import facilities becomes necessary.
Recorder Start 0 User types into address barand presses enter. Resultant page is obtained. User performs actions on this page or user collects variables from this page. Select XPath and then select the desired variable and click on Collect C Form fill and submit.Record the http interaction. User clicks Stop Stop o Play > Display collected Variable list Name Value Type interesting events on submit form on select text,list on change textfield,textarea on click button,radio,combo,checkbox
Let the internet chase you. End users dont like to write scripts. They would rather use tools to describe what they want and rely on the tool to do the conversion into script. Instead of writing code for each browser separately using the plugin development framework of the browser, develop the site in Flex so that it will work on all browsers. Recorder,Scheduler, Executor, Notifier User, Scenario,Task, Variable, Event, Schedule, Notify
learn flex and live data pass flex certification contact consultants and update about the new opportunity start weekend training shift to flex training in company.
Information is offered free of presentation. Containers of information- Books,Jornals, Newspapers,Internet. Search engines were invented to break down the website barriers. Screenscrapers were invented to extract fragments within webpages. Java based libraries can be integrated into FireFox. Status bar icon Chrome additions to Firefox detect document loading events, invoke scrapers Javascript code on DOMs and provide XUL based UI An XPCom component called nsPiggyBank written in Javascript provides a bridge over to Piggy Bank's java code. Personalizable home pages Greasemonkey Chickenfoot ( the great ) Hunter-Gatherer Net Snippets Annotea Thresher empowering web users.
Pay per use for using service versus ad-based model. Use the user actions to refresh the ad when the app is being used. Email address can be used to send sms messages also. Calculate the user SMS count. Allow user to pay and add credits. Number of credits used,remaining,total credits. A user gets created by adding details. email and phone number, and submitting payment information by purchasing credits. User activates himself through email/sms to use the service. User creates scenarios,tasks,variables, check frequencies and notification preferences. Scehduler executes a scenario if the check frequency is reached. Scenario is a set of tasks to be executed. After each task gets executed, corresponding variables get populated. After all tasks get executed , comparison engine comes to play. The output of comparison engine is boolean..It determines whether to invoke notifier. Task URL to Go Data to populate Action to perform Text to Check Variable to populate Input (indefinite number of var...
Java EE 5 EJB 3 Java Persistence API (JPA) Streaming Api for Xml (StAX) Integration of Tuxedo,Aqualogic,Spring Write EJB's as POJO's Annotations for JNDI lookup, defining remote interfaces, security, persistence.. In EJB 3 Deployment descriptors are optional. Only needs tospecify for entries that override the defaults. BEA worked with Spring to get a special version of Spring called Pitchfork BEA Kodo seamlessly integrates with JPA and Java Data Objects (JDO) @Id (Primary Key), @OneToMany annotation, @JoinTable Java EE 5 introduces a new processing API, JAX-WS. Representation State Transfer (REST) Java Server Faces (JSF), Expression Language (EL) JSF is part of Java EE Version 10 supports SNMP 3
Flash version of Select the photos you need Create Album Publish to site or download to mobile Carry those photos along everywhere. They sit on your mobile all the time. No network coverage required. Have a look at your dear ones and admirers once in a while as you remember them. Show off the photos of the latest event at your place. We help you with that. Is my phone supported? Is it free? How do i get started? What does publishing mean? How do i download a album to my mobile? Have a mobile version of the published apps site. Puts ads on web site. Put ad in the album.
While there are billions of cell phones in the market, millions of users, there are thousands of mobile sites coming up... check it out.. www.moblify.com
If you have a website, you have to remember that there will be users coming from different softwares to your site, not just IE or Firefox now. Get the user agent and delivery content accordingly. If you dont understand the user agent , specify a page and tell that you do not understand who they are,rather than throwing junk that would crash their browser. Host servers that do the routing based upon the user-agent. Have a single endpoint to your site. dont fragmentize..like google.com, m.google.com,wap.google.com. it will not help in the long run. Customer wants simplicity...and ease of use. using a PC, they want something easy to remember. using a mobile, they want something that easy to key-in. use wam.tw . It is web and mobile 2.0 the next generation of mobile web .
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='20'> 1. write a cron job to download the interesting photos of yesterday and erase existing photos of today on the server. 2. read system date and read user cookie and display image accordingly. 3. Put content in a session variable for the user and change it. show an ad show an interesting image Powered by ScribeFire .
If you wish to use the mobile for accessing the web, then you may need a lot of taps to go to a URL . Though mobile web has its advantages, there are some concerns also. In order to play safe, we are trying a new experiment here., It will save you both time and effort. Go to wam.tw from your mobile browser. In the text box there, enter the name of the site. (http:// is not required to be entered.) The text box can take only numbers but dont bother about it. The number 2 is equals to a,b,c alphabets, and similarly all other alphabets are mapped to numbers. Once this is done click on Go. If this site already exists in our list, then you would be directly taken to the link. Otherwise you will have to enter it manually for the first time. After this is done,you will see how easy it is to go to your desired site second time. Powered by ScribeFire .
Go to wam.tw and enter dir to get these links. http://mobinomy.com http://mowser.com/links http://livemobile.mobi/ http://onesearch.mobi/ http://love-my.mobi/ http://worldsiteindex.mobi/ http://boing.mobi http://dir.mobi http://homedirectory.mobi/ http://indexof.mobi/main_directory_4.html http://wapdir.mobi/ http://greatsites.mobi/ http://Top-10.mobi Powered by ScribeFire .
Write a mozilla plugin, 1. that has ads plugged in and 2.a project that does create task (Go to a page, Submit a form) create variables from a task (page/table) create events using a scheduled program (number,string,date) add notification agents Business Model a. Ads placed in the banner. b. Re-player component with limited tokens. c. Make it a token based subscrition model.d. Host the notifier. Powered by ScribeFire .
this is my second attempt in maintaining a blog..last time i ventured to create one but was not able to keep it up to date with my life...after struggle a lot, and getting bored.. i wrote a telugu word which means my face and then luckily i could reenter into this world..first i would post some articles written by me earlier...then i will maintain my diary here...