
Showing posts from January, 2008

test plan

Transactions TPS Work Requests Execution Mode Tests and expected behaviour Test Client Schedule


scale the image down attach a description for each image attach an audio file create a jar file or jarstream Client subscribes to receive SubjectOfInterest(SOI) New SOI available send link to client client clicks on link download the stuff.

new features

screensaver touch opengl


my brother got it invensys.. :-)

congrats ...abhi ..and wish you good luck in your first job. Our employees in the Hyderabad Development Centre are involved in software development and testing for Foxboro, Wonderware, Triconex, SCADA and SimSci-Esscor products. From here we provide the Reliance Refinery with a host of products including Foxboro I/A Series® process control systems and Triconex systems plus some more advanced applications. This complex at Jamnagar currently accounts for 24% of India’s refining capacity and, once the expansion of the facility is completed, it will become the world’s largest refinery at any single location. Hyderabad (Invensys ) Vanenburg IT Park Plot # 17, Software Units Layout, Madhapur Hyderabad India 500081 Tel : +91 40 55399000 Fax: +91 40 55689000

slide sites

wait until filled // Wait for request-input java.lang.Object a = new java.lang.Object(); synchronized (a) {while(in.available() <= 0) a.wait(10);}

image plus text


1. List+Image anddev 2. If an album name is specified in the local dir, load it. 3. List drawable[0..6] objects and see if they are null. , readyToShow put movenext in getItem and itemid methods and check 4. metavu(before img,after,with,on demand) 5. send photo/album->email,sms. (tell a friend) 6. add photo to contact list To edit the contacts you will have to use a ContentProvider with a URI like "content://contacts/XXX", here's some more info: You will also need to include something like this in your Manifest: <uses-permission id="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS"/> 7. touch screen zoom 8. generator 9. download from internet and load given url, given album number

speed from home


SearchR View Searching Status Found Results Estimated Time remaining Stop Found Files list Default Local Directory

which broadband to take

Tata upload speed = download speed but unreliable few days and does not work.. upload speeds. Sify 64 kbps BSNL 6-10 kbps some comments from net I also shifted to Airtel Unlimited 256 Kbps connection and it is a lot better than BSNL in terms of realiability . comcast that i am using currently is like this Download speed Upload speed Monthly rate 6Mbps 384kbps $42.95

download and upload speed

THis URL has got a speed calculator. Use it to find out the download and upload speeds of you internet connection.

tv on internet

album search

Search device for albums If albums are not found on the device, advice the user on how to create them. Alternately, download test albums from intennet to /tmp directory and display them. Store the album location list in a persistant store. On starting the application up, check if the entries in the album location list exist on the drive and load the existing ones and delete the non-existent ones from the persistant store. Load an album on user selection. There are 3 categories of albums. Personal-one to one Entertainment-one to many Learning-one to many public Intent putExtra( String name, Object value)

mp3 player


Get a feed Check configured values for expected values Buzz the user if point of interest has been found.

Use Threads

Thread thr = new Thread(){ public void run(){ //code to read an image from jar file } thr.start(); }


Load all from .album instead of internally. Local shows a file browser to display files of the type .album Effecient way of playing local streams. Settings-Local Dir MetaVu option-Before and After.

jar solution

Remote URL url = new URL("jar:http://hostname/my.jar!/"); JarURLConnection conn = (JarURLConnection)url.openConnection(); JarFile jarfile = conn.getJarFile(); Local JarFile jar = new JarFile(new File(jarFileName), false, JarFile.OPEN_READ); JarEntry entry = jar.getJarEntry(fileName); Drawable.createFromStream(jar.getInputStream(entry)) ImageView.setImageDrawable(drawable) MediaPlayer mp = createMediaPlayer(jar.getInputStream(entry)); Properties.load(InputStream)

android jobs

free feed reader for ubuntu

read image from jar


road ahead

Deadlines Client App : Jan 15 App Generator : Jan 30 App Site : Feb 10 App ready : Feb 20 Post App : Feb 28 Tasks Ahead 1. MetaVu 2. Wallpaper 3. Zoom 4. Speed 5. Settings 6. Feedback



InputStream inpstr =getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable._1.png); setWallpaper(inpstr);

file io

import; import; import; public String readRawFile(int rawFile){ StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); try{ InputStream inpstr =getResources().openRawResource(rawFile); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inpstr); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { buffer.append(line); } in.close(); inpstr.close(); }catch(Exception exc){exc.printStackTrace();} return buffer.toString(); } String str = readRawFile(R.raw.some_raw_file_id);