a nice read... http://www.rajeshsetty.com/resources/books/beyond-code/ none of us are as smart individually as all of us combined. stand up for something otherwise you fall for anything it does'nt matter what you do. if you are the very best at whatever you do, you will make a name for yourselves. there is no 90% character . it is digital, you have it or dont balance human side and superman when dealing with client. know when to use what nobody cares! about you that is.each person is worried about themselves than anybody else. you are different from anyone else in this world and that in itself should provide you with a unique advantage noone else has. when your kids fall fon 50th time,why didnt you feel its not worth trying again. you dont have to eliminate all your problems to be happy in your job. how you approach the problems will determine the level of your happiness. ask yourself whether you are bringing all your relevant previous experience to the next year. j...