Twenty years ago things were simpler. Business and IT were separated by a great divide. IT enabled things like accounting, but very little of the business productivity was driven by IT. But the Internet started bringing that gap together, and now business strategies are tied at the hip and very dependent upon the IT solutions and enabling strategies. while IT evolves,customer expectations increase, and customer tolerance for system failure drops. Russ Wheaton - Director IT FedEx Get more productivity out of the hours There are very few companies in business today that do not depend upon software Competitiveness will drive everyone to adopt the cloud because of the advantages it gives in terms of faster, better , cheaper Competition is just a click away. From business partners, Trust is assumed, awesomeness is expected. As of 2013 microsoft has 1 lakh employees with 43% of them in engineering and 49% in sales and support. if you cant deliver, be left behind. Pr...