Sex Concepts

Some facts about sex

People who want to have sex for the first time have many questions.
People who have had sex know a bit but sometimes even they will be puzzled to know some things.

In the book, "Living with the Himalayan Masters", on page 183, the author Swami Rama says "The drives of food, sex, sleep and self-preservation are powerful urges. Each has a very strong impact and influence on human life and behavior."

Recently, i was browsing the bookstore, Landmark in Bangalore, and have come across the section entitled Kamasutra.

Feeling a bit conscious, i was looking into the books.
Most of the books are written by foreign authors on Kamasutra.
Some of them are pictorial and some books are on Tantric Sex.

Getting interested, i've purchased  2 books.

First is named, Sex-A new concept by Dayananad Verma.
Author is born in 1930 and the book is published in 2008.

Here is some gyan from that book.

We know that a child grows into a boy and then a boy/girl into an adult and after that the physical growth stops.
There is a limit to the growth that takes place and it is determined by the genes handed down by the person's ancestors.
An obstacle is seen in the process when the body reaches its full growth, though the consumption of food still continues.
So, excess energy is created after becoming an adult that is not used, for physical growth and hence that excess energy gets accumulated.  It will look for ways to escape and that escape is through sex.
Dissipation of this excess energy gives pleasure initially and lethargy after completion of intercourse.
This pleasure is the cause for wanting to experience it again and again.

Nipples of the female breasts become erect on getting excited.

Man gets the maximum pleasure in his first orgasm but women in her second or third orgasm. Man is always confused, if women got enough satisfaction because many times, her releases are not visible. It is for that reason a guideline has been given to men and that is "Get the female  excited first".

Vatsayana says "Before jumping into the sexual act, man should indulge in foreplay, so that the women's vagina gets adequately lubricated.  He should engage in kissing and embracing without getting himself too much excited. This way a women gets satisfaction even before the man discharges his semen."

Also a man should be constantly vigilant of his partner's current state.

Most male sexual problems are psychological. Some causes for the male to feel impotent are
There will be an inherent doubt whether the size of the penis matters to his girl and that his  size is adequate enough how much ever it may be.

Sometimes, due to work pressure, the  mood is not set for sex.

Some movies show men, having sex for hours at a stretch, and some songs are written such that, the girl likes her guy who  has sex with her for the whole night.

As a result, the demand for aphrodisiacs that claim to increase male virility keeps drug market flourishing.
Through proper understanding and love between the partners, this issue can be resolved.

Satisfaction in sex is because of the pleasure of the release of surplus energy. There is also energy associated with anger and fear. A lot of energy is lost after getting angry or afraid. Sages recommend to control this energy and derive greater satisfaction and pleasure, but as it is a tough thing or a normal householder, the control part loosens.

In India, ancient books on sexuality categorize men and women on the basis of depth of a women's vagina and length of a male's penis.

Male's chromosome determines the sex of a child. If male's chromosome is X, a girl will be born and if Y a boy. Without knowing this fact, women were tortured in earlier times for a girl child birth. Hope the new generation will act with this  wisdom.

In some Indian temples, the paintings have sexual depictions, to symbolify that outside lies the world  while god is present in the interior.

The second book ive purchased is called Tantra..i will give more info on it in my next article.


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