please visit my uru
its a nice uru
where air is pure u
cultured for sure u
dussera celebrations joru
tourists throng
silk, u will long
sandalwood smells strong
eating paka and bonda along
listen to the maharaja song
in this learning hub, right or wrong?
take a tanga
do ashtanga
go sriranga
when u pass-by this uru
making a tour u,
please ensure u,
to visit us, ondu chooru
please visit my uru
its mysuru.
uru = town
joru = intense (telugu/kannada)
tanga = a horse driven carriage(hindi)
anargalangaa = non-stop (telugu)
ondu chooru = once (kannda)
where air is pure u
cultured for sure u
dussera celebrations joru
tourists throng
silk, u will long
sandalwood smells strong
eating paka and bonda along
listen to the maharaja song
in this learning hub, right or wrong?
take a tanga
do ashtanga
go sriranga
when u pass-by this uru
making a tour u,
please ensure u,
to visit us, ondu chooru
please visit my uru
its mysuru.
uru = town
joru = intense (telugu/kannada)
tanga = a horse driven carriage(hindi)
anargalangaa = non-stop (telugu)
ondu chooru = once (kannda)