google command line
publisher programs: shopzilla,pricegrabber.
1. Photographer can sell to users. (earn % commission on photo sold)
2. You can sell to users. (earn from provider. licensing issues)
3. You can show to users. (ad revenue)
4. advice (ad revenue & affiliate revenue)
input internet-output customer
aigiri nandini - Brodha V you rock
Avidyanam Antas-Timira-Mihira-Dweepa-Nagari Jadanam Chaitanya-Stabaka-Makaranda-Shruti Jhari Translation Oh gracious one you’re the sun that dispels the darkness of the unlettered You’re the stream of consciousness for the unthinking fool Daridranam Chinta-Mani-Gunanika Janma-Jaladhau Nimaghanam Damshtra Mura-Ripu-Varahasya Bhavati You are the all giving precious known for the pour For those crammed by the sea of Kerch and the dust soft above