
Showing posts from 2014


T here is only one RELIGION;   The religion of LOVE There is only one LANGUAGE;  The language of the HEART There is only one CASTE;          The caste of HUMANITY There is only one GOD,              He is OMNIPRESENT                                                                =Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

hanuman chalisa tulasidas

  Image Courtesy word to word meaning:

sharp one


back to programming :) ..... possible paths

#develop>c#>mono>emblinux>beaglboneblack visual studio> mvc>C#>security as a service. Program for the device, in the device. Separate device from its input and output.

F# and C#

F# is an incremental innovation over C#, not a disruptive one and hence will take its own sweet time to get noticed.

what does it mean by negative time


speech to text

is the way to go

end hunger !!

can hunger be ended at all? . a great caption that keeps one thinking.

great talk interventions more will power sleep meditate exercise eat be guilt free on failures. hear your breath,thoughts,words talk to yourself what is overlap between your current and future self imagine future failure. imagine future success. u and world outlook optimistic pessemistic hold your breath after exhaling surf the urge any craving / any impulse will pass away if u just breathe and wait.

my baba and i


Photograph autographed by swamy on my birthday in 1997.


maeku (telugu) in india


spotted a true kannadiga in New Jersey...what ever that quotation means?


seat dilemna

What happens when a disabled, an elderly and a pregnant lady all of them are standing and there is a single seat possible, like in the case of this image.

online does not guarantee 24/7 services

Just because a website is online does not mean that its services are available 24/7. Take for instance an example of this government site. There seem to be some requirements that mandate it to function that way.

an article on carnatic music

The success of music is ultimately in the mind of the listener, and specifically in the physical and emotional changes which can be provoked. Both the ability of music to build and release tension, as well as its potential to unlock latent energies in the mind are respected and developed.I value Carnatic music first for the effectiveness with which it can build positive mental discipline. It helps me to focus and organize my thoughts, and it helps to eliminate negative mental habits.

combinations javascript

function combinations(items){     var totalItems    =    items.length;     for(i=0;i         var result    =    Number(i).toString(2);         result    =    ("0000" + result).substr(-4,4);         var combination    =    "";         for(j=0;j             if(result.charAt(j)=="1"){                 combination+=items[j]+",";             }         }           console.log(combination.substring(0,combination.length-1));     } } va...

electronics ideaz

sruti clock measure brain size wig electrode

brain initiative


brain companies


learn sanskrit 72 hrs

Learn Sanskrit Book

bugs everywhere

Found this on production servers, displayed for public viewing, at a SAMS club near our house. :)

happy shivarathri

om namo namo namasivaaya mangalapradaaya gopurangate namasivaaya gangayaatarangitottamaangate namasivaaya om namo namo namasivaaya sooline namo namah kapaaline namasivaaya paaline viranchitunda maaline namasivaaya

a peom that illustrates the Karakas

krishno rakshatu mam charachara guruh krishnam namasyami aham krishnena amara satravo vinihatah krishnaya tasmai namaha krishnad eva susruthittam jagad idam krshnasya dasomyaham krishne bhaktir achanchalostu bhagavan he krishna tubhyam namaha

sanskrit videos

Harol Walker Learn sanskrit in sanskrit SAR Prasanna Venkatachariar Chaturvedi Swami the only sanskrit daily news paper circulated in Sudharma from Mysore. University of Hyderabad sanskrit activities free indological daily sanskrit news ncert books Ruchira Padma Shri Vishwanathan Venkatachalam Padma Shri Sheldon Pollock Padma Shri Satya Vrat Sastri Padma Shri Late Mathur Krishnamurthy Padma shri Dr. Kapil Dev Dvivedi

an interesting article about why you cant be innovating in the space of mobile phone manufacturing

random security musings from 2 talks

talk1 software security architect specialist knowledge in emerging hot topics speaking skills rock music-extreme sports security stackexchange talk2 visibility what was 1 becomes 10..manageability & automation change after virtualization- paswrds upgrades to be patched. root users finding nmap/variants has been beaten to death tools to find/remove/modify local accounts remotely exist. full control for groups bluetooth services..remote management services are on..wasted resources..and unnecessary holes rogue registry entries local workarounds prevent compliance drive out the uniqueness unapproved software turn off user access control reverify after patching you are not supposed to do that good one

notes from Service Virtualization

Twenty years ago things were simpler. Business and IT were separated by a great divide. IT enabled things like accounting, but very little of the business productivity was driven by IT. But the Internet started bringing that gap together, and now business strategies are tied at the hip and very dependent upon the IT solutions and enabling strategies. while IT evolves,customer expectations increase, and customer tolerance for system failure drops. Russ Wheaton - Director IT FedEx Get more productivity out of the hours There are very few companies in business today that do not depend upon software Competitiveness will drive everyone to adopt the cloud because of the advantages it gives in terms of faster, better , cheaper Competition is just a click away. From business partners, Trust is assumed, awesomeness is expected. As of 2013 microsoft has 1 lakh employees with 43% of them in engineering and 49% in sales and support. if you cant deliver, be left behind. Pr...

fresher should focus on cloud for jobs in 2015

what happens if office 365 is unavailable?


air india toll free number

if u have booked an air india flight from US to India, use this number to do a seating or inform about meal preference. 800 223 7776