the art of mithila yves vequad

survived the innumerable vissitudes of history.
countless recapitulations have resulted in an attitude of mind in which they can produce the most abstract designs without conscious effort.
assertion of individuality is extremelyt limited.
primarily religious
paradoxical impermanence caused survival.recreate whenever lost.
learning from one's elders.
strong colours
association with legend
for a particular ceremony a design will take on a sanctity which it loses after the ceremony is over.
rhythmic compositions.
3000 years
India is not concerned with history in the ordinary linear sense.
tantrikas are not concerned about winning converts.
A disciple runs the risk of serious disorder by attempting independent tantric exercises without the guiding control of a guru.
Use whatever surface is available to draw.
Mithila is a matriarchical society.
kohbar- proposal picture
people live in extended family groups, in clans and not couple by couple.
only the most prosperous have a wooden bed.
soot scraped from bottom of cooking pot is ink.
art is born of a struggle and dies in freedom.
each painting is a prayer.
a ymbol of god is painted rather than the divine.
krishna preferred to play his flute for the dancing gopis.
india does not consider time as linear.
the epic story of rama and sita remain present in the here and now.
Ramayanas an epic story of their own destiny.
'Hinduism' is an inclusive religion., no centralized heirarchy.
even the word hinduism was coined by british.
Everyone is free to interpret shiva or kali in their own light.
Each god can have 100 names and each name has a form representing it.
mudra of hands express an idea.
finished product will correspond to inner attitude.
Kayastha- does outline paintings kolam.
only 3 colors were used in olen days: black,red,yellow.
artist is free to paint shiva in red if no blue paint is available..their paintings are not  meant to last.
Creation is important..holding on to things is foolishness.
aripanas-drawn on the ground.
elongated profiles...immense eyes
living art


Unknown said…
Love following your blog Avinash!
Unknown said…
awesome post about "the art of mithila yves vequad"

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