
Showing posts from June, 2009

Web automation

Number of web automation tools used to record and replay user actions exist as FireFox Plugins. Examples: Sahi, IBM CoScripter, Selenium, TestGen4Web, ChickenFoot, etc.. They have not become immensely popular or useful though they are used by niche testers or users. The reason for that could be, some of the features missing in these tools that provide "value points" such as , inability to schedule automated executions, inability to compare a value on a page to the expected result using XPath or any such mechanism, having a lack of notification mechanism for alerting users when the value points have been found and inability to serve a mobile customer. In order to alleviate such issues, server side replay engines can be created and used. using technologies like Server side java script document manipulator like Rhino + Google AppEngine. While most of the user defined automated scripts in the above examples are spam, it is necessary to develop admin controlled and useful automati...

tasks for informer

record steps set desirables schedule frequency repeat actions check desirables sleep or notify user

v8 javascript engine Benchmark test results on different browsers

The result of running V8 benchmarks ( ) on the standard gave the following results. FireFox 3.0.10 Internet Explorer 6.0.2900 Safari 4 Public Beta Chrome 2.0.172 Opera 9.64 <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-4869279-2"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script>

Site Stickiness of a Page

Every web page has links. Some links point within the site and some links are external. The ratio of internal:total links in a page, is a measure that can tell the probability of the user to stick, to the site or to go to another site. Let us call this as site stickiness of a page. Site Stickiness=(internal links/total links{internal+external})*100 This is the probable percentage that a user will stick to your site. Inorder to get this measure, use the following javascript code. var intern=0,extern=0; for(i=0;i<document.links.length;i++){ if(!(document.links[i].href.toString()).match(document.location.toString().split('/')[2])){     extern++; }else{     intern++; } } var sticky=((intern/(intern+extern))*100); console.log(sticky); alert(sticky);

World Economy

The world economy currently is a small child that needs CRIB. (China, Russia, India, Brazil)

Customer defined alerts

Server defined alerts are good to startup, but the developer will get worn out trying to satisfy all of the customers. So the other option is to have customer defined alerts. So, giving choice to user to define alerts for common web workflows she/he is interested in, is a feature, that has to be implemented in Informer. For doing so, a record/replay engine has to be developed. The architechtures which are applicable for coding such a thing are 1. Develop plugins like selenium/testgen4web does that are browser specific. In this case, we have to cater to FF,IE,Safari,Chrome, Opera. 2. Allow the browser to go through a local proxy which intercepts the requests. For this , user has to make changes to his network connectivity profile in the browser, which might not be a good thing to ask the user to do. 3. Develop componets using the RIA web client frameworks like Titanium, Adobe Air, Mozilla Prism, Java FX, Fluid... Titanium through open is very new and it is better to go for it after 1.0 ...

Different things...

Recently i have done many things that are different and that i have never done in life so far. Some of them were considered bad and many people are addicted to them and so, those addicted do not feel it is bad, but those who are not, feel so. Some of the things are done by people on special occassions, good and bad. Some of the things are considered taboo, by some specific sect of the community. Some of the things are done by people, most of the times but only secretively. There is no reason for doing them. The need to do something different was the motivating cause. While, doing most of these things it is quite easy and possible through money, there is no significant effort required for doing them. After doing all of above things there is a loss perceived. After trying all these things, now i am getting motivated to do things that are different and difficult to do and which will give profits.They not only require commitment but also a constant sense of purpose for achieving the goal s...

Informer-Business Plan

Business plan for Informer The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary .   Company Name:               Informer Sector                             :               PC / Mobile Internet (Software as a Service)   Business Overview: Actions such as receiving a phone call or SMS, GRAB THE Customer’s ATTENTION to the device. Internet on a mobile phone is primarily, user initiated. As smart phones and net-books reach the masses, the need for delivering value , to a mobile customer and getting customer's attention, is more useful , than a pull based internet . A push based model guarantees such a possibility. The need for benefiting from internet, as a push based model, is the idea of creating the product "Informer".   Market opportunity: Addressable Market size :               Android has a first year market size of 125,000,000 users 100 million European T-Mobile users will be offered the G1. May target software for additional platforms like IPhone,...


Company Name:               Informer Sector                             :               PC / Mobile Internet (Software as a Service)   Business Overview: Actions such as receiving a phone call or SMS, GRAB THE Customer’s ATTENTION to the device. Internet on a mobile phone is primarily, user initiated. As smart phones and net-books reach the masses, the need for delivering value , to a mobile customer and getting customer's attention, is more useful , than a pull based internet . A push based model guarantees such a possibility. The need for benefiting from internet, as a push based model, is the idea of creating the product "Informer".   Market opportunity: Addressable Market size :               Android has a first year market size of 125,000,000 users 100 million European T-Mobile users will be offered the G1. May target software for additional platforms like IPhone, Blackberry, JavaME, WinMo based smart phones after success with android, there by increasing the...


                            Avinash Mangipudi   Designation: Test Specialist E xperience Summary 8 Years experience in Internet based technologies, Performance Testing , Mobile products and Java based p roduct s . Management of performance test life cycle from gather ing requirements to delivering a superior performing product . Sun Certified Java Programmer . ISTQB Certified Tester   Education Qualification MBA [Information Systems], Priyadarshini PG. College, Osmania University </SPAN> , 1998-2000 BSc [HONS] Mathematics, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, 1995-1998   Client Summary Client Project Location Sun Microsystems Java CAPS / MQ Atlanta, GA FedEx Product Testing Memphis, TN Sony Sony Style Los Angeles, CA Shopzilla Consumer Acquisition Los Angeles, CA Sun Microsystems Java Verified , JDTS Bangalore ICICI Bank VbV authentication and PaySeal Pune /Mumbai Government of Andhra Pradesh OLTP Hyderabad   Technical Skills Area Tools and Technologies Programmi...