Customer defined alerts

Server defined alerts are good to startup, but the developer will get worn out trying to satisfy all of the customers. So the other option is to have customer defined alerts.

So, giving choice to user to define alerts for common web workflows she/he is interested in, is a feature, that has to be implemented in Informer.

For doing so, a record/replay engine has to be developed.

The architechtures which are applicable for coding such a thing are

1. Develop plugins like selenium/testgen4web does that are browser specific. In this case, we have to cater to FF,IE,Safari,Chrome, Opera.

2. Allow the browser to go through a local proxy which intercepts the requests. For this , user has to make changes to his network connectivity profile in the browser, which might not be a good thing to ask the user to do.

3. Develop componets using the RIA web client frameworks like Titanium, Adobe Air, Mozilla Prism, Java FX, Fluid...

Titanium through open is very new and it is better to go for it after 1.0 release as it crashes on me even during installation.

Adobe Air might be a good choice for the time being. As each of the framworks uses javascript, it is good. We can interchange later , if needed.


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