Web automation

Number of web automation tools used to record and replay user actions exist as FireFox Plugins.
Examples: Sahi, IBM CoScripter, Selenium, TestGen4Web, ChickenFoot, etc..

They have not become immensely popular or useful though they are used by niche testers or users. The reason for that could be, some of the features missing in these tools that provide "value points" such as , inability to schedule automated executions, inability to compare a value on a page to the expected result using XPath or any such mechanism, having a lack of notification mechanism for alerting users when the value points have been found and inability to serve a mobile customer.

In order to alleviate such issues, server side replay engines can be created and used.
using technologies like Server side java script document manipulator like Rhino + Google AppEngine.

While most of the user defined automated scripts in the above examples are spam, it is necessary to develop admin controlled and useful automation requests whose definitions can be taken from people manually through a website.


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