
Showing posts from August, 2008

singh is king

just have simple fun. i would recommend this movie. go for it i enjoyed watching it. i thought it would be a movie just made for showing how Singh is King and will not be of interest to others., but i was wrong. it was a hilarious all through. and just like somebody said , leave your brain out and go into the movie theater to reap the maximum benefits.

developer contests

Entering a contest is a gamble. It takes Time, Effort and resources and yet does not guarentee anything. It gives experience though. The odds in favour of winning are dependant on factors that are beyond the control of the contestant. Though the contestant has a killer idea at hand, how the idea is implemented, how it is presented and how the judge has been receptive to the frequency of the contestant during the evaluation process makes a difference. The number of possible contestants, the prize amount, the amount of sacrifice it takes to get there have to be evaluated before entering into one. Sometimes it makes the whole journey worthwhile and sometimes it leaves a bitter experience. That is the reason i feel it is a gamble.

bachna ae haseeno

This is a short review of the movie we saw on the first day, bachna ae haseeno. This movie is a romantic tale of a lover boy who takes wrong steps in the first half of the movie and then makes it up in the second half after the self realisation of his true love dawns on him. This is no action movie. The sets are great. Movie taken in a lot of locations in europe, australia, and india. songs are sweet to listen to. this is a no-boring movie. it sure is an entertainer and a good time-pass. would applaud the acting of ranbir kapoor and bipasha that dominate the movie.

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actually norcross, 30092

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