rama simara
Rama simara Rama simara
yeh hai tero kaaj hai
Maya ko sang tyaaga,
Prabhu joo ki sarana laaga
Jagat sukh maana mithya
jhoot ho sab saaj hai
Supnay jo dhan pahchaan,
kaahe par karat maan
Baaroo ki bheet jaise
vasudha ko raaj hai
Nanak jan kahat baat
binasi jaehai tero gaat
Chhinn chhinn kar gae-ho kaal
taise jaat aaj hai
Leave(tyAg) the association(sang) of mAyA and accept (lAg) the shelter (Saran) of SrI hari (hari jU). For the pleasures(sukha) of this world (jagat) and false (mithyA) fame (mAn) is all but a bundle (sAj) of fake(jhUTau) happiness.
2: supnE jyOn dhan pichAn kAhE par karat mAn
bArUkI bhIt jaisEn vasudhAkau rAj hai
All this wealth (dhan) is like a mere dream only (supne jyO). What matter(kAhe par) are you so proud of (mAn)? Like(jaise) a heap(bhIt) of sand (bArU) [which will be destroyed by just a small breeze/wind] are the pleasures (rAj) of this earth (vasudhA)
3: nAnak jan kahat bAt binasi jaihai tErO gAt
chin chin kari gayO kAlh taisE jAt Aj haiLakshman
nAnak says (kahat) O mankind(jan)! this material body of yours (gAt) will be destroyed (binasi jaihai). The time(kAl) has passed on bit by bit(chhin chhin kari gayo) and today(Aj) is also passing(jAt) in the same way(taise). Therefore chant the name of SrI rAma.